Friday, October 19, 2012

Our week in blurry pictures

I’ve had my iPhone for about one week and with the exception of a few bumps in the road, I am getting more used to it by the day and (as much as it pains me to say this) I kind of, sort of love it.  We are an Apple family already, but I’ve tried my best to stay as unplugged as possible while around the children—no iPad, no iPhone, a barely working cell phone, no Wii, no toys with blinking lights—you get the picture.  But once that barely working cell phone became a non-working cell phone, I knew it was only a matter of time before I caved in to that aspect of technology.  If nothing else, I knew the camera function on the iPhone would allow me to capture some of those precious candid moments with the children that I so often missed because I left my nice camera safely at home.

My learning curve is steep, so please excuse the many blurry images. 

My first picture with the iPhone—George and me at one of our favorite neighborhood parks.

Navigating the nature trails.

Resting and smiling – a rare moment with George.

Our usual after-school playground romp.  Without a doubt, Frances completes us.

Another fun outing with George to the James River.  It was an incredibly beautiful day.

Playing hide-and-seek with his stuffed cat.

Will’s attempt at Bikram yoga.  I’m not sure how much cash I would fork over to see his 6’5” stick frame in a hot yoga class, but it would be a lot.  And it would be worth every penny.

The elusive Joe!

For the last 18 months, George and Joe have played together at least once a week completely happenstance and unplanned.  Joe’s grandfather takes care of him during the day and we both have the same parenting philosophy with our young boys—get them out and run them ragged.  So, we constantly found ourselves at the same playgrounds.  George and Joe get along incredibly well—Joe is sweet, sweet, sweet, and George mimics this lovely behavior (woohoo!) in return.  Funnily enough, big Joe (the grandpa) and I have become fast friends, too, even though I am the same age as his daughter, Joe’s mother.  But in all of these months of play dates, I have yet to get a picture of George’s bud until today.  Now Will can finally see who has been wearing George out each week.

Other than me, that is.

Happy Friday, everyone!

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