Sunday, April 10, 2011

Happy, happy, happy

I just realized that my last two blog posts have been a little too serious – it is high time for a light-hearted, less analytical post.

What is my absolute favorite part of the day with the children?  The after-bath hour!  On a typical day, Frances and George eat early, between 5:30 and 5:45 pm.  Once dinner is over, we head upstairs for bath time, something they’ve been doing together (off and on) for many months now:
June 2010

The ‘heading upstairs’ part of that last sentence became harder and harder this last year as Frances has gotten older (and more strong-willed, which I didn’t think was possible).  So, the big lure is, “Frances, if you are really good and take your bath now, we will have time to come back downstairs and play before bedtime.”  For whatever reason, playtime after bath time is a three-year-old’s ultimate dream, at least in this house.

There is something magical that happens after bath time.  Regardless of how grouchy, clingy or naughty the children behaved during the day, bath time seems to restart everything.  The after-bath hour typically involves running around the house, playing with the dogs, building pillow forts, playing with the more active toys like the corn popper and baby stroller, and just generally getting out that last bit of energy before collapsing into bed.  Sometime between playing with the dogs and chasing each other with the corn popper, Daddy gets home – and then the fun really starts.

George and Daddy infiltrating the pillow fort

Frances doesn't seem to mind

George in his favorite position - upside down


He's definitely up to something

My baby girl

Thank you, bath time – you never fail me!

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