Thursday, December 1, 2011

Ho, Ho, Ho

The more things change…



…the more they stay the same.

And as if it needs explaining, I was not expecting to be in this picture. Please understand I would have at the very least taken a shower, put on make-up, taken off my sweat pants, and brushed my hair (or even just one of those basic grooming necessities) if I had any inclination.  George was quite literally singing “Santa Clause Comes to Town” all morning in anticipation of his visit with Mr. Jolly.  A mere four steps away from the big man, he decides to get stage fright.  Only a mother’s love could drag me into this picture after an early morning at the gym.

In honor of the new month, our Elf on the Shelf made his first appearance today to the delight of two sparkly-eyed little munchkins.

It bears repeating what many others have said before me – Christmas through the eyes of young children is enchanted.

Happy December, everyone!

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