Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy 2012!

Or at least Happy last day of 2011!

George and I have just returned from Lynchburg on a mission to retrieve Frances from what will surely come to be known as the best week of her life so far – i.e. a 5-day visit with Nana and Pop.  I am almost embarrassed to say how much I missed her and it’s so wonderful to have her back in the house again (which was eerily quiet even with an active 2-year-old boy running the show – that should tell you something about Frances’s presence).  Without a doubt George missed her the most though, which he has been kindly demonstrating by tackling her, pulling her hair, taking all of her Ariel dolls, interspersed with laughter, hugs and endless hide and seek games.  And Frances has loved every minute of it.

Today also begins “Adventures in Potty Training” for George, a phrase I have dreaded from the moment the ultrasound technician uttered those wonderful words, “it’s a boy!”  So, in light of the fact that our next 36-236 hours will revolve around Mickey Mouse underpants, Tide, Lysol and lots and lots of patience I thought I should go ahead and write my last blog post bright and early this morning.  If I am M.I.A for a few days, I know you will all understand why.

2011 was a great year, or to use a Frances-ism it was “by far my favorite” year.  It was so wonderful in fact that I would feel silly and very selfish to ask that 2012 be any better.  I will simply close this post saying “thank you” to 2011 for 365 days of memories.  I started this year a full-time working attorney mother and have ended it a much happier full-time non-attorney mother—and little did I know when I started 2011 that the first position would lead to the last.

A very happy 2012 to everyone!

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