Friday, May 10, 2013

Our week

My apologies for being a little quiet this week.  Another lesson I’m learning as a first-time mother of a school-aged child and a preschooler is … things pick up heavily for us parents as the school year winds down.  Teacher appreciation week, dance recitals, field trips, end-of-the-year socials, end-of-the-year gifts, end-of-the-year guilt for giving the least creative teacher appreciation gifts of the class—the list is endless.  That slow summer schedule is looking better and better these days.  Of course, maybe that’s the idea—to keep us parents so busy the last two months of school we’ll appreciate a school-free 12 weeks enough not to notice that we’re slowly going crazy with ZERO childless hours in the day.  Those teachers; they are nothing if not brilliant.

Here’s a little of the collective chaos that has ensued:

Marshall had a surprise visitor this week.

My brother Henry, his original owner.  I don’t know who misses the other more.


Frances’s dance concert is this weekend and she had her final dress rehearsal earlier this week.

In what can only be described as a weak moment on my part, I volunteered to be the behind-the-scenes dance parent, so I can only see the show from the stage wings.  But sometimes that is where you get the best pictures.

And sometimes not.

George helped me take my car to the carwash this morning.

Oh, and my car will soon be known as “Will’s new car” as we’re preparing to get our minivan this weekend (fingers crossed, pretty-please, pretty-please!!).  I figured if Will is getting me a whole vehicle for Mother’s Day the least I can do is pay someone to clean the car he’ll be driving for the foreseeable future.


Frances somehow rigged Thumbelina equestrian-style on her stuffed horse, Mary.

After studying this for several minutes, I had two thoughts; 1) what in the world did she use to make this; and 2) that’s pretty darn good.

George the giant.

Seriously, I think he is easily twice the size of every other kid on the playground these days.


My yoga studio is putting on a demonstration for the Richmond Kickers (our local semi-pro soccer team) next Friday and I was asked to participate.  Here’s our first rehearsal video if you’d like to see where I spend most of my weekend time:

I am second from the left and in the unfortunate position of being between two champion yogis.  Please keep in mind, too, that at nearly 37-years-old I am the grandmother of this group.  But I am so proud of my grandkids—they are an incredible bunch!


In honor of Mother’s Day, Frances’s school had “Muffins with Mom” this morning.

Or as we like to call it, “Muffins with Mother and George.”

Silly girl!

Happy Friday, everyone!

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