Sunday, October 16, 2011

October colors

Seemingly overnight, fall colors have arrived in full force here in Virginia.  With the trees and the nearly cloudless, sunny weather finally in sync, our little family has been outside more of the daylight hours than not, walking, running, playground-ing, and every other kind of –ing you can think to do with two preschoolers.

This past weekend Will had a bar association meeting at Wintergreen, a mountain resort about two hours west of Richmond, which ended up being perfect timing for fall leaf season.  Truthfully, I was apprehensive about taking Frances and George to the meeting—every other time that we have been to Wintergreen it has been cold, rainy and incredibly foggy.  Add that weather to two high energy kiddos and hilly, mountaintop lodging built for snow skiing and you can understand my mild anxiety about finding something for them to do should we find ourselves surrounded by crummy conditions.  But we completely lucked out this trip and the children were able to experience something they haven't yet—autumn in the mountains.  At one point, Frances (whose current favorite expression is “Oh. My. Gosh.” with the requisite pauses in between words) followed that sentiment with a, “it’s just so beautiful, Mommy.”

I couldn’t agree more!

And I can’t close this post without adding this picture of Will and Frances:

I love Will’s attempt to get Frances to fully appreciate the beautiful day and Frances’s complete willingness to follow along with her daddy’s instructions to take a deep breath and soak up the sun.  But I especially love how tiny Frances looks next to her father.  Is it fair to ask her to stay this age forever? 

And of course, there’s our little camper-in-the-making saying “cheese!”:

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Lucy!

    I'm so behind in my commenting that this is going to be a bit of a jumble! In an effort to organize my thoughts a bit, how about I make a list?

    1) The post on the fair and the picture (and caption!) of everyone watching the kids play in the corn was hilarious. And did you ever think you'd be waiting in line to milk a cow?!?

    2) Will and the Mickey Mouse balloon also cracked me up. I miss the days of balloons being a huge hit (but I guess we have that to look forward to with Laura, so not all is lost).

    3) Need I even mention how happy I am for you that you got to go visit Eileen? Also, I am maybe a teensy bit jealous. But mostly happy, though. I'm glad it was a good weekend and we definitely need to plan another official girls weekend soon!

    4)And lastly, the pictures from this post are beautiful. I could never live in an area of the country that skips over the whole fall/leaves changing thing.

    Hope you guys are having a great week!
